Works of Art in the South Chapel

Artist: J & R Lamb Studios

Title: St. John, St. Peter, and Mary Magdalene at the Tomb of Christ

Date: 1912

Medium: Opalescent glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

113 (1/2)” x 53 (3/4)”

St. John, St. Peter, and Mary Magdalene at the Tomb of Christ


Artist: J & R Lamb Studios

Title: The Resurrection of Lazarus

Date: 1914

Medium: Opalescent glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

113 (1/8)” x 53 (5/8)”

The Resurrection of Lazarus


Artist: J & R Lamb Studios

Title: St. Paul & the Angel of God

Date: 1912

Medium: Opalescent glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

116" x 55"

St. Paul & the Angel of God


Artist: J & R Lamb Studios

Title: The Baptism of Christ

Date: 1914

Medium: Opalescent glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

113 (1/2)” x 53 (3/4)”

The Baptism of Christ


The window is showing how John the Baptist is baptizing Jesus at the Jordan river. This scene is very important, as it was when heaven opened and the holy spirit descended on Jesus and Gods voice was heard "This is my own dear son with whom I am pleased". This confirmed Jesus' identity as Gods son.

Artist: J & R Lamb Studios

Title: The Angel of the Resurrection

Date: 1911

Medium: Opalescent glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

114 (1/8)” x 53 (5/8)”

The Angel of the Resurrection


Artist: J & R Lamb Studios

Title: The Farewell of St. Paul at Miletus

Date: 1913

Medium: Opalescent glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

116" x 55"

The Farewell of St. Paul at Miletus


Artist: J & R Lamb Studios

Title: The Adoration of the Magi

Date: ca. 1914

Medium: Opalescent glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

113 (1/4)” x 53 (5/8)”

The Adoration of the Magi


Artist: J & R Lamb Studios

Title: Christ at the Home of Mary, Martha, & Lazarus

Date: 1908

Medium: Opalescent glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

113 (1/4)” x 53 (5/8)”

Christ at the Home of Mary, Martha, & Lazarus


Artist: Tiffany Studios

Title: Cross and Lilies

Date: c. 1897

Medium: Opalescent & favrile glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

116" x 55"

Cross and Lilies


In the center of the scene is a purple and yellow cross with a crown of green and white leaves behind it. At the bottom is a field of white lily flowers that are symbolic of rebirth, specifically here to Jesus as the cross is emblematic of Jesus's crucifixion.

Artist: J & R Lamb Studios

Title: Andrew Bringing Peter to Christ

Date: 1908

Medium: Opalescent glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

113 (1/2)” x 53 (1/4)”

Andrew Bringing Peter to Christ


St. Rose of Lima

Medium: Marble

18 (7/8)” x 65” x 13 (7/8)”

St. Rose of Lima

Statue #5

Artist: Tiffany Studios

Title: The Resurrection

Date: Circa 1907

Medium: Opalescent glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

155” x 142”

The Resurrection


St. Elizabeth

Medium: Marble

16 (7/8)” x 65 (7/8)” x 13 (1/8)”

St. Elizabeth


Artist: Tiffany Studios

Title: Resurrection with Lilies

Date: 1906

Medium: Stained glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

92 (1/2)” x 56 (3/8)”

Resurrection with Lilies


Artist: J & R Lamb Studios

Title: Christ & Nicodemus

Date: 1910

Medium: Opalescent glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

113 (1/8)” x 53 (1/2)”

Christ & Nicodemus


Artist: Tiffany Studios

Title: Untitled

Date: N/A

Medium: Opalescent glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

46 (1/4)” x 32 (1/2)”

& 30” x 22 (1/4)”



Artist: Tiffany Studios

Title: The Eight Beatitudes

Date: 1913

Medium: Stained glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

Approx. 46 (3/8)” x 22(1/4)”

The Eight Beatitudes


Artist: Tiffany Studios

Title: Parable of The Sower

Date: 1953

Medium: Stained glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

149 (5/8)” x 31”

Parable of The Sower


This scene shows the Parable of the Sower, a story that provides a moral lesson as taught by Jesus, and can be found in the Bible, Matthew 13:1. This tale warns people to heed the words of heaven, and describes the people who fail to do so as different seeds being planted by the Sower. The people who do not accept the word in their hearts and forget it are described as seeds in rocky soil that cannot grow beyond the rocks and wilt. The people who accept the word but care too much about wealth will be trapped in this turmoil and unable to grow, like the seeds that cannot grow past the thorny plants around them. The people who do take the word and understand it are like seeds that grow and produce crop in abundance.

Artist: Tiffany Studios

Title: Christ Blessing Little Children

Date: 1899

Medium: Stained glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

149” x 31”

Christ Blessing Little Children


Artist: Tiffany Studios

Title: Blessed are the Pure in Heart

Date: N/A

Medium: Stained glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

149 (3/8)” x 31”

Blessed are the Pure in Heart


Artist: Tiffany Studios

Title: Good Shepherd

Date: N/A

Medium: Stained Glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

149 (1/8)” x 31”

Good Shepherd


Artist: Tiffany Studios

Title: Christ Knocking on the Door

Date: 1913

Medium: Stained glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

148 (7/8)” x 31”

Christ Knocking on the Door


Taking a page out of Cox, Sons, Buckley & Co.’s version of I am the Light of the World, Tiffany was influenced by this scene that he wanted to recreate this biblical narrative. The museum has both representations of this scene within the pictorial and American glass style for viewers to enjoy the differences. Tiffany creates a halo over Jesus’ head, which looks more like a full moon. His use of speckled glass gives a lifelike feel to the leaves on the trees. This window was commemorated to the “Pastor of this Church” (First Congregational Church), which is only fitting concerning the scene portrayed. The opalescent glass gives definition to Jesus’ cloak that looks rather transparent as if Jesus’ is a vision knocking on your door.

Artist: Tiffany Studios

Title: Ascension

Date: 1918

Medium: Stained glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

148 (5/8)” x 31”



Artist: Tiffany Studios

Title: Hope

Date: 1915

Medium: Stained glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

149 (1/16)” x 31”



Artist: Tiffany Studios

Title: He Took Her by the Hand and the Maid Arose

Date: 1910

Medium: Stained glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

149 (1/4)” x 31”

He Took Her by the Hand and the Maid Arose


Artist: Tiffany Studios

Title: Resurrection Angel

Date: 1910

Medium: Stained glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

149 (1/8)” x 31”

Resurrection Angel


Artist: Tiffany Studios

Title: St. Luke

Date: 1909

Medium: Stained glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

149 (3/8)”x31”

St. Luke


Saint Luke, also known as Luke the Evangelist, is one of the four traditionally ascribed authors of the Christian gospel, shown here to be writing down the scriptures with a quill and book. Luke was the first artist to draw icons, religious artworks, and most notably painted the Virgin Mary and child Jesus. In the Catholic tradition, he is also known as the patron saint of artists, physicians, and notaries.

Artist: Unknown

Title: Untitled

Date: N/A

Medium: Stained glass

Style: American Art Nouveau

71 (7/8)” x 30 (3/4)”



Roman Catholic Altar

Date: ca. 1700s

Medium: Italian Marble

Origin: from a Diocese in Hartford, Connecticut

Roman Catholic Altar

Altar #3