Works of Art in the Nave Area
Artist: Tiffany Studios (1848-1943)
Title: The Ascension
Date: 1902
Medium: Opalescent & favrile Glass
102” x 102”
The Ascension
Artist: Tiffany Studios (1848-1943)
Title: The Vision of Virtues
Date: 1902
Medium: Opalescent & favrile Glass
92 (7/8)” x 58 (1/8)”
The Vision of Virtues
Artist: Tiffany Studios (1848-1943)
Title: St. John the Divine of Patmos
Date: 1902
Medium: Opalescent & favrile Glass
93” x 58 (1/4)”
St. John the Divine of Patmos
Artist: Tiffany Studios (1848-1943)
Title: King Solomon Instructing the Youth
Date: 1902
Medium: Opalescent & favrile Glass
93 (1/8)” x 58 (1/8)”
King Solomon Instructing the Youth
Medium: Marble
15” x 46 (1/2)” x 14”
Statue #2
Artist: Franz Mayer and Co.
Title: Jesus Heals the Dead
Date: N/A
Medium: Painted Glass
149 (1/2)” x 57”
Jesus Heals the Dead
Artist: Franz Mayer and Co.
Title: The Garden of Gethsemane
Date: N/A
Medium: Painted Glass
148 (3/4)” x 56 (1/2)”
The Garden of Gethsemane
Artist: Franz Mayer (1848–1926)
Title: Young Mary in the Temple
Date: ca. 1870
Medium: Painted Glass
161” x 55 (1/2)”
Young Mary in the Temple
Artist: Franz Mayer and Co.
Title: The Annunciation
Date: ca. 1880
Medium: Painted Glass
155 (7/8)” x 50”
The Annunciation
Artist: Franz Mayer and Co.
Title: The Visitation
Date: ca. 1880
Medium: Painted Glass
161 (1/8)” x 55 (1/4)”
The Visitation
Artist: Franz Mayer and Co.
Title: The Nativity
Date: ca. 1880
Medium: Painted Glass
160 (7/8)” x 55 (1/2)”
The Nativity
Artist: F. X. Zettler (1841-1916)
Title: The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
Date: 1870
Medium: Painted Glass
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
St. Rose of Viterbo
Medium: Marble
11” x 51 (3/4)” x 9 (1/4)”
St. Rose of Viterbo
Statue #3
Artist: Franz Mayer and Co.
The Finding in the Temple
Date: ca. 1880
Medium: Painted Glass
160 (3/4)” x 55 (3/4)”
The Finding in the Temple
Artist: Franz Mayer and Co.
Title: The Wedding Feast of Cana
Date: ca. 1880
Medium: Painted Glass
161”x 55 (1/2)”
The Wedding Feast of Cana
Artist: Franz Mayer and Co.
Title: Jesus with Children
Date: ca. 1880
Medium: Painted Glass
161 (1/8)” x 55 (1/2)”
Jesus with Children
Artist: Franz Mayer and Co.
Title: Delivery of the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven
Date: ca. 1880
Medium: Painted Glass
161” x 55 (1/2)”
Delivery of the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven
Artist: Franz Mayer and Co.
Title: The Agony in the Garden
Date: ca. 1880
Medium: Painted Glass
164 (3/4)” x 55 (1/2)”
The Agony in the Garden
St. Anne
Medium: Marble
20” x 54” x 13 (1/4)”
St. Anne
Statue #4
Artist: Franz Mayer (1848–1926)
Title: The Crucifixion
Date: ca. 1870
Medium: Painted Glass
156 (1/4)” x 49 (1/2)”
The Crucifixion
Artist: Franz Mayer and Co.
Title: The Resurrection
Date: ca. 1880
Medium: Painted Glass
160 (5/8)” x 55 (1/2)”
The Resurrection
Artist: Franz Mayer (1848–1926)
Title: Coronation of the Blessed Virgin
Date: ca. 1870
Medium: Painted Glass
156” x 49 (1/2)”
Coronation of the Blessed Virgin
Artist: Franz Mayer and Co.
Title: St. Boniface & Thor’s Oak
Date: ca. 1880
Medium: Painted Glass
162” x 55 (1/2)”
St. Boniface & Thor’s Oak
Artist: Unknown
Title: King Tyrus and Ezekiel
Date: N/A
Medium: Stained Glass
71 (7/8)” x 30 (3/4)”
King Tyrus and Ezekiel